How to make Curly Hairstyle?

Curly hair is different from other hair textures. It requires more hydration, less washing, and, if we're being honest, more patience than straighter hair types.

1. Always comb your hair from the bottom up

Detangling hair from the bottom up allows you to gently detangle each knot, rather than compounding knots toward the bottom and yanking your way through. To protect hair from damage and to detangle efficiently, our experts strongly advise that you always rely on a wide-tooth comb, never a brush, to rake through curly hair.

2. Get regular trims to avoid split ends

Damaged hair is never a good look (not to mention, split ends can make your hair frizzy!). If you want healthy curls that look bouncy and fresh, head to the hairstylist every six to eight weeks for a quick trim.

3. Use product "cock tailing" to define and hydrate curls

If you don't have the patience for cock tailing, your best bet for a one-step solution is a serum, which helps to not only smooth your curls but gives them definition and separation. Use three or four pumps at a time.

Alternatively, you can apply styling cream to hair with wet hands: the combination of the product plus the water ensures that curls stay frizz-free while refreshing the curl pattern, and styling cream is great because it helps curls hold their form without giving any crunch.

4. Incorporate a conditioning treatment into your regimen

When your hair goes through a dry or dull phase, what you don't want to do is weigh it down with a ton of product. Simply use your fingertips to apply a dime-size blob of styling cream or oil to your ends (wet or dry hair is fine!), giving them extra moisture and bounce.

If you β€” like most curly girls! β€” find that your curls are routinely looking dried-out or frizzy toward the ends, you should probably incorporate a leave-in conditioner into your product cocktail. If your hair is thinner, or you're looking for a lightweight hydration, spritz an easy-to-use conditioning spray all over the hair, focusing on the ends.

5. Try the "pineapple trick" to keep curls defined overnight

To keep hair looking even more pristine between wash days, our experts recommend using a scrunchie for this technique to prevent hair breakage and ponytail creasing. And if you're not sleeping on a silk pillowcase already, it's time to make the switch: These super-smooth pillowcases are proven to reduce bedhead by reducing friction on the hair overnight, which makes hair look sleek and hydrated day after day.

6. Use a diffuser to even out your curl pattern and add more body

If you're not using the attachments that come with your hair dryer, you're missing out. By dispersing your hair dryer's stream of hot air into a larger space, a hair diffuser can "minimize a lot of the frizz that comes when curly hair is naturally air dried," explains stylist Britt White. Plus, it can help even out your curl pattern and boost the volume of heavy curls, giving more body to your hair.

How to use your diffuser: First squeeze out the extra moisture in your hair after showering using a microfiber towel in scrunching motions. Don't use a traditional towel, and don't turban your hair: While these popular techniques may work for your straight-haired friends, it will disrupt your curl pattern and cause frizz for you.

Apply your favorite hair products and thermal hair protectant β€” you should be using a heat protectant any time you use heat tools on your delicate curls to protect hair from damage. Plop your strands into the diffuser, cupping the tool around your hair. Repeat until you've got defined curls all over. It's OK if your hair isn't 100% dry: Letting curls air dry a bit can prevent frizz, too.